I forget why I created this blog. I think, maybe, I did it to furnish brief content in the sidebar of my other blog.

That's a rather nifty integration right there.
According to Charles Nesson, one needs a closed space in which open spaces can exist.
Good writing doesn't have to be literary book like
Moby Dick. It doesn't even have to be
Dave Barry Slept Here. Good writing can be technical. It can be about computers (imagine!). As long as people can read it, understand it, and enjoy it, the writing is good.
Proof of this maxim can be found in a collection of writings collected in
Joel Spolsky's book,
The Best Software Writing I. Not all the featured writers are professionals. But all the writing featured is good.
Some history behind the making of Spolsky's book can be heard in a
podcast recently produced by
IT Conversations. Some of the best advice he has for writers is, whenever possible, to tell stories, anticipate readers' questions and answer them in the order in which readers are likely to ask them, and, if you have a knack for it, dare to be funny.
Some of the peices of writing collected in Spolsky's book include
Style is Substance by Ken Arnold,
Passion by Ron Jeffries,
Great Hackers by Paul Graham,
Autistic Social Software by Danah Boyd,
A Quick (and Hopefully Painless) Ride Through Ruby (with Cartoon Foxes) by why the lucky stiff, and
Excel as a Database by Rory Blyth. The whole table of contents, plus the introduction, is
Link to audio file:
For a setup for collaborative writing I am thinking of a bunch of individual blogs ringing a common collaborative map and / or outline.